Tuesday, June 12, 2007

(the following passage is written by Conan, not me)
Internet network as a medium for illegal activities

The internet social networking system such as Facebook or MySpace is so popular mostly, I supposed, due to its high accessibility and convenient inter-linking design. Everyone is able to have an account and create his or her own profile. It gives its users this feeling of being personal, since each profile represents a cyber entity that links the person who creates this profile to other people over the internet. However, this feeling of being personal and private seems lead to the consequence of forgetting such social-networking sites are actually public forums. Anything that people post on Facebook is potentially available to any other people. Further more, the user of these networks are mostly teenagers and university students. One common characteristics of these users is that they are all technological advanced but emotionally immature. Therefore they may end up using the high accessibility and advanced technology these sites endow for some illegal activities.

The news report shows how the illegal activities are tracked and prevented through the surveillance and investing over Facebook. But this only arises more anxiety to me. Facebook is one of the forerunners of social-networking sites, which means it is more popular and easy to target than other sites. The problem seems to me is that there are thousands of Facebook-like sites on internet that are far less popular and well-known than it that may be used for preparing illegal activities and are impossible for the police to target all of the the illegal activities on the internet simply because they are too many of them.


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